Can technology enhance the way we teach and learn? Tech yeah it can!
This blog shares personal reflections on my experiences as a district technology leader, as well as how the integration of tech tools and innovative instructional strategies are taking learning to a new level. Opinions stated in my blog posts are my own. Thank you for visiting!
I've had the luxury of working for/with some pretty amazing administrators. These folks have done much to help develop me as an educator. As we enter the last month of school, everybody seems to be...
Being connected is a good thing. I am the first one to advocate for people; adults and kids, to have access to their phones in order to be available and connected pretty much all of the time. The world...
Digital lesson design is the focus of most all of our district technology professional development. For each PD we call teachers together (in person or digitally) to share strategies for building quality...
Ah, Valentine's Day. That one day a year when folks celebrate LOVE. The love we have for our significant other, our kids, our friends, even our coworkers. People often ask me which tools I love for digital...
As a fairly techie lady myself, I fully support my own children utilizing technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. I encourage them to embrace social media of all types in order to communicate,...
Love them or hate them, Digital Learning Days are here again. For the past three years, the district in which I work has taken on the task of providing students and teachers the opportunity to use technology...
I've been receiving the funniest texts lately. Texts that include invisible ink, fireworks, funny gifs, and pulsing hearts. It seems my complete contact list has finally ran the iOS update, and the messaging enhancements have my forty-something friends messaging like teenagers.
I find it funny that...