Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tech PSA for Parents

As a fairly techie lady myself, I fully support my own children utilizing technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. I encourage them to embrace social media of all types in order to communicate, connect, and stay informed, and I can honestly say that we are more connected as a family for it. In allowing my children this freedom, part of my responsibility as their mother is make myself aware of what is out there; to know what kids are using and how it works. My own children (and their friends) have graciously provided me with "PD" on apps like Snapchat and so that I can learn what kids are using. So when my daughter introduced me to, I was all about learning about this tool as well. I often see Zoe video chatting with her friends and sharing her gymnastics skills on Lively. It's cute, really. A little more public than a regular FaceTime chat, but girls her age love it. Knowing that she engages in these video chats, I've had the discussion with her about appearing appropriately dressed when she is on Lively and things of that nature. Again, all my responsibility since I allow her to participate in using this type of communication. That being said, imagine my surprise when as my husband and I were discussing with Zoe possible gift ideas for her Secret Santa we heard a soft voice providing us with information about what this person might like. That's right, Zoe had carried her iPad into the room when we called her in and her friend was listening to every word we were saying. Whoa! Count the reasons that this is a bad idea! Here's the thing, when we asked Zoe why she thought we were upset about this, she couldn't tell us. The issue of violating the privacy of our home had never occurred to her. Why would it? We had not discussed the need to disclose the presence of people visiting our home virtually.
So a PSA for all you parents out there: Don't assume that conversations that you are having in your home are private unless you have specifically had these discussions with your children. is only one example of how technology allows for virtual visitors. There are many other options out there. I encourage you to take the time to layout ground rules for use of these apps/programs BEFORE you unknowingly give outsiders access to your private conversations. As parents of little techies, it's our duty.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ready and Relevant

Love them or hate them, Digital Learning Days are here again. For the past three years, the district in which I work has taken on the task of providing students and teachers the opportunity to use technology to hold school digitally, rather than within the walls of a school building. We hold these days in response to inclement weather situations, as well as to accommodate the need for professional development and parent-teacher conferences. Why? Because we can and should.

We Can: 
We've had devices in our classrooms and in the hands of students since 2011. Our teachers had devices prior to that. With the rollout of devices we've provided teachers with tools and consistent teacher training, covering digital workflow and the creation/curation of digital content. As a district, we have embraced the ISTE standards, providing insights for how students and teachers should work and learn in a digital age. Our in-class instruction is infused with technology and our students use tech tools and resources with ease, just as they would a pair of scissors or a protractor. (Remember, at some point there is learning curve with these tools as well.) With the technology that our teachers and students have at their disposal, and with the training and support that is offered by the district, Digital Learning Days are a logical way to provide our students with a well rounded 21st century learning experience. 

We Should: 
I was in high school 1990-1994. During that time, college preparedness was a big push. We were told that if we graduated from high school with the required courses, got into college, did well and graduated, we would be employable in our field. And that was pretty much the case. Twenty years prior, when my parents were in high school things were different. Folks graduated from high school and secured quality, well paying jobs. During each of these eras, students received an education relevant to the time in regard to courses offered and instructional practices. Fast forward twenty plus years from when I graduated from high school. We now live in a world dominated by technology. The careers that our students are preparing for WILL require the use of technology at some level. While some people still try to dispute it, the fact is we cannot provide students with a relevant education and ignore technology. It is our responsibility as educators to acknowledge, accept, AND embrace this. 

Admittedly, when our district held our first Digital Learning Day in 2014, we were ahead of the game. Few districts (at least in Indiana) had implemented such days. It was a bit of a shock to the systems of our students, teachers, parents, and yes, even our administrators. The growing pains were real. Questions of, "should we be doing this", and "is this appropriate" needed to be addressed as we transitioned into this new platform for K-12 learning. With every eLearning event held in our district, we learned and adjusted in an effort to improve the process. Meanwhile technology continued to be integrated into our classrooms daily. Now in 2016, many districts around the state and nation have begun implementing such days. With the experience we've had in our district, questions surrounding Digital Learning Days should no longer focus on whether or not we should have these days, but rather how we can continue to design them in a manner that keeps the learning relevant to our students. Today as I am buzzing around making final preparations for the Digital Learning Days that will take place the remainder of this week, I am excited about the online lessons that our students will experience. I've looked at all of them and they are darn good! I hope that our stakeholders keep in mind that as a district, we are READY. I hope that they consider the importance of providing our students with an education RELEVANT to the world we live in. Finally, I hope that they embrace the opportunity to be part of a district that both challenges and supports students and teachers as they learn and grow. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Latest iOS Update...It's a 10!

I've been receiving the funniest texts lately. Texts that include invisible ink, fireworks, funny gifs, and pulsing hearts. It seems my complete contact list has finally ran the iOS update, and the messaging enhancements have my forty-something friends messaging like teenagers.

I find it funny that folks hesitate so long to run software updates. I see that red update notification bubble and I can't help myself. I can't wait to see what's new! After all, the purpose of an update is to make things better, right?  So if you've not checked out the update, do it! Here's a little cheat video to help you get started. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Clip Down, Mr. Trump

For all intents and purposes, school systems are designed to act as their own little country, complete with a system of government. A district is run by the superintendent who serves as the president and a board who acts much like congress to make up the national level. Each building in the district is its own state and has governorship in the principal, while each teacher serves as the mayor of his/her classroom city at the local level. It is within this public school governmental system that citizens live, work, produce, and thrive in an effort to build a system that all stakeholders can be proud of. 

I taught kindergarten and first grade for 15 years. Aside from covering the academic standards assigned to these grade levels, teachers of the youngest learners must also teach students how to function and behave within our school "government". There are many ways to establish a justice system within a primary classroom. I chose a behavior chart system where each student had a clip that they moved based on their classroom actions and interactions with others. Students were asked to clip up to recognize positive behavior, or clip down to call attention to behavior that was not acceptable within our school community. 

This week I watched the second presidential debate along side my two teenage boys and one of their friends. We are on vacation so it was not my plan to call a family sit down to watch. It came about when I had to address all the ruckus I heard from the boys who I assumed were watching football, but instead found them cheering as the candidates roasted*each other. As a mother I should have been proud that my boys would choose the presidential debate over football. I should have been proud that they took interest in our government and the upcoming election. I should have been proud that they understood the importance of U.S. citizens being informed, even at their young age. I was not proud at all. Rather I insisted we turn to watch the people who were supposed to be aggressively battling each other on prime time tv, the Packers and Giants. During this debate. I witnessed bullying, aggressive behavior, namecalling, and mistruths. I witnessed three very good boys drawn into the sensationalism of this ridiculous campaign. I witnessed the two people handpicked by our major political parties behave in a manner that would not be tolerated in my primary classroom, or any classroom around the nation that they intend to serve. So, clip down, Mr. Trump (and you too, Secretary Clinton) for not even taking office yet and still managing to lead our children down the wrong path. As for November 8, good luck to us all. Our parenting job is going to get little tougher. 

*Roasted: to make fun of, or riddicule another; to talk about somebody based on appearance, actions, or pesonalility -urban dictionary 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Connection 911

"You should've backed your phone up." If I heard that once this week I heard it 20 times. Everyone thinks it won't happen to them, but in the blink of an eye your seemingly normal day comes to a screeching hault. You lose your ability to communicate, be connected, and find out answers to the pressing questions of the moment. You lose photos of recent events; vacations, concerts, and family outings, as well as any recently added contacts. Even if you are the responsible tech user who backs up on the regular, chances are if your phone crashes you will lose something. As you can guess, this recently happened to me... My phone died. I mean completely died. Connection 911!

We all want to believe that we are a person who doesn't need to rely on a device. But in the moment you realize you're without that lifeline, complete hopelessness takes over. And after excersizing all of your techie tricks to no avail, you admit defeat and realize you are alone. Not to sound dramatic, but it's true. You can't use a landline to call anyone because you don't have your trusty contact list. It literally takes a minute to regroup and problem solve the situation. 

I was without a phone for exactly ten hours. That ten hours was brutal. I went from a fully functional professional and mother to a irrational mess. With each new realization about something I couldn't do, came a greater sense of helplessness. I realized that I couldn't get ahold of my own children who were with friends for the day. (Do you know your kids' cell numbers by memory?) I realized that I'd better know where I was going because Google Maps wasn't a thing for me. I realized my work communication response time was delayed. (I'm better than that.) And the absence of social media...Don't even get me started. 

Yeah, we all want to believe that we don't need to rely on a device to function. But the truth is, we've grown accustom to having the ability to communicate and connect at anytime. We've grown accustom  to having information at our fingertips. If I'm forty and the need for connectivity is engrained that much in me, then imagine how our kids feel. After all, this has been their way of life from the beginning. 

So the next time you encounter someone with a Connection 911, be understanding of their situation. And what ever you do, refrain from saying, "You should've backed your phone up". 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tech Like a Yogi

I'm kind of a yogi now. My girlfriend Melanie has been telling me for months that I should take a class at the new studio that opened in our town, but it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I decided to listen. It is awesome! Dare I say that it is the most impactful workouts I've ever done? There are a variety of class formats designed for different purposes, all providing participants the opportunity to destress, sweat, and stretch the body. Instructors do not demand increased performance from participants during yoga practice as often happens in other workout classes. Rather they use phrases like, "You may choose to extend your reach" or "Consider challenging yourself by...” empowering those of us in class to be in charge of our own growth. We are given basic instructions on the poses to perform, but these additional phrases guide us to customize our workouts for ourselves to maximize results.

Last week while attending one of the more difficult classes, the instructor encouraged us by saying; "Free your mind by closing all your unneeded and unwanted apps and windows". Wait, what? A tech reference during a yoga practice? That's when it occurred to me…Attacking PD like a yoga practice may be just what it takes to entice some reluctant teachers to stretch themselves and increase their integration comfort level. I realized this might be especially important when dealing with teachers new to our district that may have little experience with or knowledge of educational technology. (It’s that time of year after all.) Maybe our teachers need to be instructed to close out the extras and focus specifically on what they need as individuals to extend their use of technology. Maybe this is when the true value of the “stretch” will be felt, fostering the desire to learn more. While I've always tried to make PD stress free, admittedly I've been guilty of being the type of trainer that asked for a Tree Pose (creating full course digital content) when a Downward Facing Dog (creating digital content for only one course or subject) may be all some of my participants were able to handle at the time.  

So as I plan to welcome and train those teachers new to our district, as well as plan "practices" for our current teachers, I will work to provide more options for participants to stretch and grow themselves as individuals.  Sorry teachers, opting completely out of training cannot be an option as it is when it comes to attending yoga practices. I will however do my best to see that you walk away from our time together feeling inspired to stretch yourself a little further in regards to your integration practices and that you do so with a stress-free mind.  I'll try my best to be more, "Consider challenging your self by..." and less, "Come on, you're better than that!"  See...I am kind of a yogi now. 


Friday, April 8, 2016

Quick Fix: It Works!

It seems that everyone is looking for a quick fix to the issues that trouble them in their lives. As a woman who recently turned 40, I'm bombarded with opportunities to purchase products to fix what growing older is breaking. From wraps to reduce my waistline to serums to reduce my age lines, it seems that folks have found the answers, and they are advertised as a "quick fix".  These quick fix products promise to keep us looking younger and thinner. So what did I do? I jumped in and gave these products a try. After all, we've seen folks experience results through some of these methods. When you ask the success stories what they did exactly to achieve their results, the answer is always the same. They share how their "quick fix" resulted in a lifestyle change. This illustrates the fact that progress of any kind requires consistency. While the commitment may be as subtle as making a regular purchase of a particular product, or adding an additional step to your morning beauty regiment, it does take effort. Taking on a consistent practice is far from a quick. 

I believe that the same holds true for our professional learning and instructional practices: Consistency is key. Crash courses in operating new systems or having students demonstrate understanding through a variety of apps will give you results you can see, but do they really change the instructional landscape of the classroom?  It's not until we consistently implement technologies with purpose that we truly see the impact they can have on learning. Teachers need to make the integration of technology less of an event and more of a constant in order to get the best results. That's right my friends, I do not believe in quick fixes. I do however believe quick fixes can be just the motivation you need to continue to learn and grow (or shrink;) depending on your goal. When you begin to see your waist getting smaller thanks to the help of a few wraps, you are inspired to hit the gym a little more often to maintain that progress. I constantly encourage my teachers to take steps to improve their classroom instructional practices with the help of technology. Maybe that change starts with the help of a "quick fix" like investigating a new tool to increase their own or their students' productivity, leading to increased online workflow. Or perhaps it's utilizing pre-made digital content to help differentiate a lesson of which they know some of their students will struggle, leading to teachers creating their own authentic digital content. With consistent effort and commitment to change, teachers start to see results. It is these initial results that inspire them to continue on with their efforts, and ultimately when we begin to see the impact quality, purposeful integration practices can have on learning. 

So embrace those quick fixes and stick with them. They may be just what you need to inspire a real change.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Never Changing Government

This year my spring break was less of a vacation and more of a field trip. My husband Scott and I had begun to feel the time crunch regarding the number of spring breaks we have left with our kids; five more with Isaac, six with Jonah, and a few more with Zoe. We started evaluating all of the experiences we wanted to give our children before they move on from us, so along with my mother we decided to plan a trip that would help our children see some of the sights that we feel all Americans should see. The eight-day excursion included four days in Washington DC followed by four days in New York City (my favorite city on Earth). 

We saw many sights on our trip, including several governmental buildings and national monuments. Access to most of the attractions in both DC and NYC included "airport style" security, with the latest technology including metal detectors and body scanners. Security was heightened due to the attack in Brussels, so in addition to the usual security measures, there were armed law enforcement officers standing guard as well. My mom had arranged a private tour of the Capitol through Senator Dan Coats' office, so upon our arrival to DC we dropped our bags at the hotel and headed straight to Capitol Hill. After clearing the scans and beeps of security for the second time that day, our guide Blake took us through some of the most amazing areas. This access allowed us to see places where much of our nation's history took place, as well as areas where our current legislators work and policy is made. During our tour, we were able to see what used to be the House Chamber. Today it serves as a statute hall and is lined with the likenesses of Americans who help to shape our nation. Even today there are plate markers on the floor indicating where notable men such as John Adams and Abe Lincoln once sat as our early laws and policies were formed. In addition we saw the original Supreme Court chamber, preserved to show where our nation's early court cases were presented and decided. No surprise that these areas were void of technology, indicative of the days these areas were politically functional. The greatest technology modeled was the whispering capabilities of the former House Chamber's wall arches, where early lawmakers would eavesdrop on the discussions of those on the other side. (Very cool, BTW!) The surprise came when we visited the current day work areas, including the room were the Appropriations Committee meets, as well as the Senate Chamber where legislators happened to be voting on a bill. While in these areas, I was surprised with the minimal technology present in these rooms as well. No TV/display screens. No electronic voting equipment. Few mobile electronic devices. Instead all information was shared by mouth. Each senator milled informally through the chamber, glad handing and talking, until pausing to get the attention of the clerk recording the votes (by hand on paper) to vote on the proposed pieces of legislation. The clerk would call out the vote for all to hear, then stop every few minutes to count by hand the number of yea or nay votes. No doubt this same process has been in place for centuries.

Now I'm not judging the process of our national government. Far be it for me to criticize a system that establishes our laws and keeps order in our great country. Perhaps the lack of technology is the result of national security requirements, and bringing the processes into the 21st century would put us at risk. Again, not judging. Maybe I just didn't see the technologies being used, however I did peek into the offices of several senators and their staffs. What did I see? A couple of desktop computers at best. Can't take those with you. I continually passed lawmakers and staff members in the halls, including House Speaker Paul Ryan. No tablets or phones in hand. Friends, I don't leave my office without my phone for fear one of my teachers or administrators will need to contact me. Why? Because in this day and age there is an expectation for constant availability and access to information. I need to be accessible to perform my job well.  I can say with certainty that most all of my K-12 counter parts feel and behave the same way. The expectation of availability is not limited to the education world. There wasn't a professional on the street or subway in either city that we visited that wasn't "teched up", working as he/ she moved about. Which leads me to wonder, is this lack of technology the reason our government often runs slow and at times seems to be inefficient? Could our nation's leaders be more "connected" to each other and their constituents?  Could many of our governmental processes be expedited with the help of technology? And what would it take to make these changes? It wasn't until we were attacked on American soil in 2001 that security technologies were put in place, prompting the very measures my family passed through on our trip. What needs to happen before lawmakers understand the power of being connected? Does the lack of technology correlate to the age of those serving our country in those positions? It is my hope that as our generation of students move into governmental positions, we will begin to see a more accessible kind of leadership, leading to more efficient processes. Honestly, I'm not sure this group of Americans is capable of disconnecting. I know my boys can't. 

As we head home from our adventure, I'm thankful that the #StachlerSB2016 field trip turned out to not only be a learning experience for the kids, but for momma as well. I'm interested to see if this experience caused either of my boys to get bit by the political bug. Who knows, maybe there will be a Stachler on the ballot in years to come.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Don't Blink

I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m beginning to understand what people mean when they say, “Don’t Blink”. As a teenager and even as a young adult I spent my days wishing time would speed up so I could experience what was coming in the next phase. When I was in high school, I longed to experience college. When I was in college, I was excited to get my first teaching job. After I got married, I was excited to have children. Then you know what happened? I blinked.  Last week I attended a high school registration meeting with my oldest son. It seems like just yesterday Isaac came into this world, and just a minute ago I was taking him to kindergarten round-up. High school registration doesn’t seem possible.

In the relatively short time I’ve held my k-12 position, I have become versed on the requirements of all educational levels in our district. I understand what is expected for our young students coming into kindergarten. I understand what is required for our third graders as they embark on that pivotal year with IREAD and ISTEP. I even understand the course requirements of our high school students who are striving to earn a particular diploma. So why did it take me sitting next to my own son at a high school registration meeting to realized just how quickly our children have to put these skills into place? High school is not what it used to be. The demands placed on our Yorktown students (and all students) today are much greater than when I attended the same school, I won't say how many years ago. Which brings me to my point. The world changes in the blink of an eye. Students are required to apply certain skills, while at the same time adding to their content knowledge base. School has changed because jobs have changed. When they say we are preparing our students for jobs that don’t yet exist, they aren’t kidding! The depth of knowledge required and the skill set to think critically, problem solve, and collaborate is no longer celebrated in the few who possess it, but rather an expectation for anyone stepping into a career. That’s a change. The clear shift from the industrial age to the information age has happened and while things will continue to evolve, we aren’t going back to the way things were. It’s not the same world and it will continue to change. Requirements, along with the competition have become tougher, bringing with them a sense of urgency for us to start developing our students’ critical skills at a young age. It is irresponsible for us to educate our children in the same manner that we developed our content knowledge and soft skills. As a result, the “that’s the way we’ve always done it” mentality has to change.

In my position I advocate for the need of an instructional shift so students can develop 21st Century skills along with the understanding of course content. I preach how the use of technology can help students develop those skills in addition to conceptual understanding. I provide a model for this type of learning through our teacher professional development. As an Integration Specialist, that’s my job. As a mom, I can only hope teachers are open to instructional redesign and are willing to grow and learn as well. Isaac’s registration meeting helped me to realize just how little time we educators have to help our students develop the skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives and how it passes with just one blink.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Servicing Customers vs. Customer Service: Hmmm...

As a basketball mom I spend a lot of time hanging out in the bleachers with other parents. This past week I spent more time in the stands than at my own dining room table. Bleacher time can lead to interesting conversations. This week I was talking to another mother who recently returned from a work conference. She was obviously excited about what she had learned and eager to tell those of us sitting with her. This particular woman is in sales, specifically sales for an exclusive line of women's clothing. (I know what you're thinking. What in the world does this have to do with education? Bear with me.) After filling us in on the highlights of the spring collection, (Great new Kelly Green jacket for us Yorktown folks, BTW.) she began talking about the overall message of the conference; servicing customers instead of customer service. This is the idea that if you serve your customers in a proactive manner and meet their personal needs upfront, the need for reactive customer service will decline. In their world this equals a better buying experience, a base of loyal customers, and in turn more sales. 

"Servicing customers instead of customer service".  It got me thinking how this same mantra could apply to the world of educational technology. I pride myself in providing my teachers with opportunities to develop their integration practices. I also feel members of my tech department and I provide quality service to our teachers. When issues arise we swiftly take care of their needs to see that instruction is not interrupted. Could we be better about anticipating the needs of our teachers in terms of additional tools, support, and their varying curriculums? Could I customize my sessions, even individualize them to see that each teacher gets the best "look" for him/her, just as my friend does with the clothing line she sells? Could I be better about explaining to teachers why quality technology use in one room may look different than that in another, just as one woman may need a size small sweater while the next needs a medium for the best fit possible? Could I service my customers in a more effective way? 
Everyone wants to feel and look his or her best. I believe this to be true whether we are talking about appearance or job performance. Perhaps this is why I am constantly reflecting on my "closet" of practices; deciding what practices I can keep, which ones need to be boxed up for donation, and which new ones I need to pick up to be my best. My conclusion; I need to transition to a bit more of personalized PD system, anticipating teacher needs and helping them to customize the learning experience that have with me to ensure the best integration fit. You know what? I think that I'll get that Kelly Green jacket too!